Thursday, July 22, 2010

What a ride!


I finally have started, obviously super late, to work on the blogging and paper for this course but there are some reasons for my tardiness. These include but are not limited to: a major lack of communication with SUNY Cortland and our course instructors, majorly my fault, and the fact that this summer has been a roller coaster of events!

First off, the reason I am enrolled in this course is because I studied abroad in Australia during the Fall of '09. My advisor and I were unaware of the conflict that I was going to miss my environmental and cultural interpretation course for this upcoming fall semester. SUNY Cortland only offers the course every other fall or whatever and I missed it.
As an outdoor recreation major my concentration is in environmental and cultural interpretation. Therefore, this course is absolutely essential to acquiring my degree and I am extremely happy that this course will be held at Camp Huntington instead of that godforsaken-windowless-beige-dull room of E-402 the room all recreation classes are held in.

Secondly, I have been having a wacky summer job experience. Long story short, I believed I was going to lifeguard again at Lake George in the village, wasn't hired, bar-backed, worked in a paper mill, now get paid great money working ten hour days six days a week life-guarding in Hague in LG at Rogers Rock campground. :)

Third, As I am sure all of you know, assuming most of the other classmates are of elder years after viewing the website, that summer projects or aspirations are something we all try to accomplish or complete by the end of summer. Some activities and duties on my list included: applying for the Peace Corps, volunteering at my local rec. park, traveling to Cape cod to visit a friend, and hike a couple high peaks. Well lets just say, we still have some of August left!

So as you can see my justification for being behind and unaware of what this course encompasses can almost suffice.
But I am still very VERY excited and happy to be going back to Camp Huntington and look forward to meeting you all!

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