Monday, July 26, 2010

The snowball effect

Right after breakfast during our early morning meeting, where we described why we're here and what we hope to get out of this class, a lot of different thoughts and ideas came to mind. One, we as a society and in social groups or networks need to stop talking about how bad the current future is going to be if we don't do something now about it. Two reasons for this is because every time we discuss how bad our relationship with the environment is, nobody ever ends up CHANGING their lifestyle and daily decisions!! Change isn't easy as we are creatures of habit but we can only hold ourselves accountable for the disastrous mess we're moving into in the near future.

SO lets stop talking and arguing about IF such and such environmental disaster is happening then or later or stop arguing about how much we spend on taxes or all this other nonsense because it all won't matter a damn bit once there is no food on our plates or out in the fields!!

Everyday, if everybody in the United States woke up and did at least some act of restoring nature or reducing or better yet eliminating their dependence on gas or oil or some sort of degenerative effect on the environment than the reverberations of this would be monumental! Then if this could be a national campaign or people believed into this movement it could spark nation wide CHANGE and we could build on our actions every other week or month till the point where we have gradually changed our ways of living! This would then set an example to other residents and hopefully catch on.

I'd like to try to start this initiative! As soon as I leave Raquette Lake I am going to try to do this everyday and let the newspaper know about it. Then I could spread the word about my movement and see how big I can get this snowball!!

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